Hey there! Guess what! I love my new job!! I was super super nervous, but it's been like riding a bike. I mean...I have lots to learn still, but the stuff I've already done (as a student) is coming back pretty quickly. Whew! Such a relief! Turns out I even really like working the night shift. If Kyle were here during the week, I'd probably hate it, but since I don't need to have a life Mon-Fri anyway, it works out pretty well!
Yesterday--er, two nights ago?--all the days are running together, and I can never figure out what time it is--Dad came to work and had "dinner" with me at midnight! I'm sure the people I work with were surprised when a cop came up to the floor and asked for me! I love when he pretends like he's going to arrest me! ;) Anyway, for anyone that hasn't tried the food at the hospital (the kind you can buy, not the stuff the patients eat), it's delicious!!! I totally recommend the fries, though I don't eat them anymore. They're DELICIOUS!!!