So a couple of days ago, I stopped to talk to a lady on the assisted living side of Courtyard (I work on the Enhanced Care side). She was sitting on a couch, so I crouched down to be at her level. I told her that I liked her shirt and she told me that she liked my teeth. Then she asked if they were real...LOL!

Then, to thank me for stopping to talk to her, she reached into her walker basket and pulled out a half eaten snickers--which she held up to my mouth to offer me a bite! LOL again! I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I tore off a piece with my hands and went my merry way, chuckling. I love working where I do! I never know what to expect...

Later I found a man in the Enhanced Care kitchen eating a late breakfast. I needed to give him his meds, so I went to fetch them. When I walked back into the kitchen, I found him with his head bowed in prayer. Such a good example of what we should never forget...